Tremor Todo-o-Terreno [11.04 14:00 - Julius Gabriel]

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Secret trail on the island of São Miguel where participants will be guided by an original composition which will culminate in a performative act. Participation is subject to registration. Limited capacity.

Registration for this activity is made trough the digital ticket at 3cket.

Julius Gabriel is a saxophonist whose work transcends the boundaries of traditional jazz, embarking on sonic journeys that evoke both the history of the genre and new musical horizons. His compositions, deeply rooted in improvisation and experimentation, create soundscapes that oscillate between the abstract and the visceral, the meditative and the energetic.

Tremor Todo-o-Terreno powered by Millennium bcp
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101 Plutão Camaleão

Main Sponsors

104 Governo dos Açores
105 Câmara Municipal de Ponta Delgada
106 Câmara Municipal de Ribeira Grande
137. 1Republica Portuguesa + DGArtes
145 Lagoa Municipio

Creative Partners

107 Arquipélago Centro de Artes Contemporâneas
108 Coliseu Micaelense
109 Teatro Micaelense
133 Museu Carlos Machado
138 VidAçor
146 UAc
147 Biblioteca Pública e Arquivo Regional de Ponta Delgada
151. APF
152. Conservatório Regional Ponta Delgada
153. Ateneu Comercial
162. Termas da Ferraria
163. Solar da Graça
164. Biblioteca Tomaz Borba Vieira
165. Escola Secundária Ribeira Grande
166. Escola Secundário Antero de Quental
167. Clube Naval de Rabo de Peixe

Tremor Todo-o-Terreno Patron

111 Fundação Millenium BCP

Som Sim Zero Patron

168. Novo Banco dos Açores

Mini-Tremor Patron

118 A.C. Cymbron, S.A.

Media Partners

112 Antena 3
114 RTP Açores
115 Antena 1 Açores
144 RTP


117 FLAD
120 Galp
123 Grupo Bensaude
124 Wayzor
125 Bentrans
161. Azores Easy Rent


126 Certificado Açores
129 Etep
130 Cision
134 Neat Hotel
139 edge
155. Holy Cow
156. NOS
157. Portos do Açores
158. Tecnovia
159. Escola Básica Integrada de Rabo de Peixe
160. Santo António
169. Lovers & Lollypops

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