
Kate NV
Kate NV
Kate NV


Kate NV
21 Mar
Auditório Luís de Camões

Medium Capacity, up to 400 pax

Kate NV is one of the most surprising newcomers to music produced in the last year. From Moscow, where she lives, studies architecture and works, Kate NV builds curious and colourful universes, around illustrated characters, and improvising with bells, glasses of water and synthesizers during live shows. In “Room for the Moon”, her most recent album—where we discover her transitioning to a more surrealistic universe of composition—NV throws herself, with intelligence and sensitivity, into the universes of new wave pop. Here, Kate places sound, objects and her ritualistic vision of music under a microscope, magnifying the beauty and delicacy of everyday life.


101 Plutão Camaleão
102 Yuzin
103 Lovers and Lollypops

Patrocinadores principais

104 Governo dos Açores
105 Câmara Municipal de Ponta Delgada
106 Câmara Municipal de Ribeira Grande
137. Republica Portuguesa + DGArtes
141 visit Portugal

parceiros criativos

107 Arquipélago Centro de Artes Contemporâneas
108 Coliseu Micaelense
109 Teatro Micaelense
110  Estúdio 13
142 Museu da Lagoa
143 Fonseca Macedo

mecenas residências artísticas

111 Fundação Millenium BCP

Parceiros mediáticos

112 Antena 3
114 RTP Açores
115 Antena 1 Açores
144 RTP


117 FLAD
118 A.C. Cymbron, S.A.
119 Galp
120 Fundação Galp
123 Grupo Bensaude
124 Wayzor
125 Bentrans

apoio / support

126 Certificado Açores
129 Etep
130 Cision
131 La Bamba
132 Cultura Governo dos Açores
133 Museu Carlos Machado
134 Neat Hotel
135 Cresaçor
138 meo
138 VidAçor
139 edge
145 Lagoa Municipio
146 UAc
147 Biblioteca Pública e Arquivo Regional de Ponta Delgada
148 EDA Renováveis
149 Santo António
150 Pedreira Marques
151 Espaço Nóbrega

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