Glockenwise formed up on the banks. On the geographical margin, in Barcelos, a small industrial city in Minho (Portugal), where the idea of going through life with a desire to make music—or any other art, for that matter—was, even in the 2000s, relatively exotic; and on the aesthetic margin, forged in the nonconformist energy of punk, always punctuated by a characteristic melancholy that served as a guiding thread to the present sonic identity, one that has been setting them apart from other more obvious labels.
Gótico Português (their latest album) is, if not a return, an appreciative look into those margins. An album that finds parallels between that Portugal—teeming with imagination and with an obstinate attitude to fill voids left by material, cultural and metaphysical deficiencies—and the Do It Yourself music culture, which allowed them to transgress the limits that initially seemed imposed. Gótico Português is a compendium of themes about the identity of those who find themselves the in-between, divided between the margin and the centers, written for a time of uncertainty that requires even more songs.
Large Capacity, Tremor's total capacity