Large Capacity, Tremor's total capacity
With artistic direction by Xullaji and the participation of MCs André Tavares, Bü, Diogo Carreiro, DP The Killer, Joe Vasques, MA Ç ARICO, This is Skin, Valério AZ, and XthomX0, Filhos do Vento is a project born out of the Ciclo training programme created by Tremor in partnership with Arquipélago – Centro de Artes Contemporâneas. In this edition, the goal was to challenge people with an interest in the different dimensions of hip hop, from music production to writing lyrics. Xullaji is a rapper, sound designer, sonic and visual poet with a vast career on the national music scene and his albums are important portraits of the political and aesthetic intensity of his lyrics in the way he inscribes hip hop in the culture of the African working class's resistance and the diaspora.