


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Over its twelve editions, Tremor has consistently focused on creating multidisciplinary and immersive artistic experiences, often site-specific and involving community participation. Proposals such as the opera-journey by the Polish collective Instytut B61, the creations of Natalie Sharp, the community choir of Ana Borralho and João Galante, or the rituals of Vincent Moon and Priscila Tellmon, featured in past editions of the festival, explore the uncertainty and reflexivity of a world in flux, questioning and fragmentation.

Built upon this desire to explore new realms of connection, Tremor introduces  for the next biennium the Arrepio project—a creative laboratory that challenges conventions and seeks new forms of collective coexistence. This section will foster experiences grounded in creativity and spirituality, in connection with the natural world, offering a critical reflection on our surroundings and proposing a renewed care for all life forms.

For its inaugural edition, Arrepio invites the Berlin-based collective 33 to occupy one of the festival’s spaces and, from there, craft a performance that redefines the place and the experience within it.

In Berlin’s dynamic music scene, the duo 33 has become a groundbreaking force, redefining the boundaries of sonic experimentation and artistic collaboration. Composed of visual artist and musician Alexander Iezzi and performance artist and composer Billy Bultheel, 33 emerged from a vision of fostering creative synergy across diverse disciplines. Their debut album, 33–69, embodies this ethos, combining machine-gun techno, industrial tones, operatic voices, and experimental pop. The collective’s philosophy extends beyond the core duo, engaging a constellation of collaborators—including Ivan Cheng, Steve Katona, NAKED, and others—to transform music into a sculptural art form. Each track becomes a vivid canvas, fusing countertenor arias, Latin lyrics, and surreal imagery into a cohesive, otherworldly experience. Alexander Iezzi and Billy Bultheel each bring a rich artistic pedigree to the project. Iezzi’s practice spans sculptural installations, video, and live performance, exploring surreal transformations of material to challenge conventional perceptions. His work has been exhibited at institutions like MOMA New York and KW Berlin. Bultheel, whose compositions bridge contemporary music with Medieval and Renaissance traditions, crafts site-specific works that transform performance spaces into immersive soundscapes. His collaborations include composing for Anne Imhof’s award-winning Faust and Sex. 


101 Plutão Camaleão
102 Yuzin
103 Lovers and Lollypops

Patrocinadores principais

104 Governo dos Açores
105 Câmara Municipal de Ponta Delgada
106 Câmara Municipal de Ribeira Grande
137. Republica Portuguesa + DGArtes
141 visit Portugal

parceiros criativos

107 Arquipélago Centro de Artes Contemporâneas
108 Coliseu Micaelense
109 Teatro Micaelense
110  Estúdio 13
142 Museu da Lagoa
143 Fonseca Macedo

mecenas residências artísticas

111 Fundação Millenium BCP

Parceiros mediáticos

112 Antena 3
114 RTP Açores
115 Antena 1 Açores
144 RTP


117 FLAD
118 A.C. Cymbron, S.A.
119 Galp
120 Fundação Galp
123 Grupo Bensaude
124 Wayzor
125 Bentrans

apoio / support

126 Certificado Açores
129 Etep
130 Cision
131 La Bamba
132 Cultura Governo dos Açores
133 Museu Carlos Machado
134 Neat Hotel
135 Cresaçor
138 meo
138 VidAçor
139 edge
145 Lagoa Municipio
146 UAc
147 Biblioteca Pública e Arquivo Regional de Ponta Delgada
148 EDA Renováveis
149 Santo António
150 Pedreira Marques
151 Espaço Nóbrega

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